The 20th Asia Pacific International Plastic and Rubber Industry Exhibition
As a new type of plastic machinery company in the new era, in order to continuously innovate and reform to promote the development of the company, Qingdao Center Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. understands the importance of which exhibitions to start with. From the early days of its establishment, various large-scale plastic machinery exhibitions at home and abroad have been held. , Center Company resolutely went global, and its footprints were all over the Eurasian continent, Africa, and the Americas.
Participating in exhibitions can more directly obtain and investigate the product needs of local and surrounding countries, face customers directly, and understand customer needs and solve them on the spot. Through the inspection and information exchange with peers and competitors, we recognize our own shortcomings, constantly disclose and correct our product defects, improve the quality of our products, and make our products more in line with the needs of the public.

During the exhibition, Qingdao Center Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. worked hard to continuously identify potential customers and expand product sales.
Especially in regions or countries where customers and dealers are relatively concentrated, Qingdao Center Machinery Co., Ltd. not only effectively enhances the company's image through exhibitions, but also improves product visibility and market competitiveness, making great contributions to China's plastic machinery industry.
An enterprise may have many customers in a certain region or country, and they are certainly scattered. Individual visits are not only expensive, but also inefficient. Therefore, through the exhibition, all dealers or customers can be gathered together to negotiate one by one to solve the problems encountered by customers. This not only improves the efficiency of visits and negotiations, but also allows customers to trust us.
This is the scene of each of our exhibitions, and the interaction with customers fully reflects our determination and confidence in letting the world understand this industry and our company through exhibitions.